Moving Forward
Whether you have a slightly or seriously lopsided relationship with your spouse, you can take the necessary steps to rescue your...
Balance in Your Relationship
The balance in a relationship isn’t always 50/50. In most relationships one spouse tends to take more initiative, and the other is more...
Impossibilities without Faith
There are many things that can happen to us to test our faith in God – sufferings, prosperity of the wicked, calamities that come through...
Lopsided in Power
Often one-sided relationships result when a controlling partner is matched with a more compliant one. The controlling one is more...
What Self-Denial Looks Like
Love requires the effort of making an emotional connection, even when you least feel like it. It’s very natural to disconnect when you...
Are you expecting your spouse to meet more of your needs? You can’t expect your spouse to meet all your needs without you giving up...
Self Denial
Self-denial is the practice of postponing, or even giving up, activities and attitudes that block love and connection. In healthy...
Who is Your Spouse
Think about accepting the fact that you and your mate are not fully complete. You must give up the idea and possible demand that your...
Which One of You is Incomplete
When two incomplete people marry and have hopes that merging their strengths will make up for each other’s weaknesses, the result in not...