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The Perfect Spouse

You are learning to live in reality with your spouse, but sometimes you’re tempted to say, “Okay, I am doing my part, now you need to get your act together and do your part and become the lover I have always needed.”

That’s an attitude that can sink your love life. You can’t wait for your spouse to transform into the perfect mate. Both of you are to help each other grow through each other’s needs and weaknesses. As a couple you need to assist him, and he needs to assist you. COUPLES WHO ACCEPT EACH OTHER’S NEEDS AND WEAKNESSES AND ARE WILLING TO HELP EACH OTHER, WILL BE ON THEIR WAY IN RESCUING THEIR RELATIONSHIP.

When you have better footing and deal with what is, rather than what should be, you will get to know each other by doing a reality check that will lead to a happier life living together. BY KNOWING AND CONNECTING WITH YOUR SPOUSE’S REAL LIFE FRAILITIES, YOU ARE GIVING GRACE AT A DEEP LEVEL. And that grace will always bring forth good things in your connection. Connecting relieves hurt and longtime separation because you have bickered and knit-picked so much.

It will also benefit in other areas. When your spouse helps you (or visa-versa) it helps in your weaknesses. Relieve stress in your marriage and it will lead to experiencing the love you crave; the acceptance you need; along with feeling safe, and having the warm feeling of gratitude.

Don’t run from your spouse’s needs, wants, and weaknesses. They don’t just go away. Work on being a redemptive, healing force for your spouse. Have the goal of gaining love and intimacy in your marriage. Fight with all your might to experience what true happiness is about. Don’t blame your spouse for all the friction, but look at yourself, and accept your part of the problem. It’s so worth the effort you put into it (My thoughts with Rescue Your Love Life, p.p. 67, 68).


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