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Grace vs. Sin

Even more contagious than sin is God’s amazing grace to humankind who so often turn their backs on Him for the love of things in the world. Grace will never compare in any way to sin, because it is so much more powerful than any sin ever will be. Beautiful grace has the ability to restore everything that sin has broken. All because our precious Lord Jesus claimed the victory over sin’s destruction when it, at the fall, divided man from their loved ones through death.

Christ’s resurrection is contagious. Once you experience what Jesus can do, you too, can experience victory not only over sin in this present life, but over death at Jesus return as well. We must continually have Jesus and His love pardoning grace on our minds. Don’t ever stay satisfied with the life you live now, with its constant ups and downs. You are offered freedom through Jesus to become a better version of yourself. So why not choose to upgrade and ultimately live eternally in the indescribable heavenly home that awaits you when He comes. It’s there that you can look into the face of Jesus and say, “Hello Jesus my Lord and Master, thank you for what you’ve done for our fallen world. Embrace me so I know it’s real.” (My thoughts with Shade Henry’s, London, England, November 8, C.Q.)


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