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The Eagle

The eagle of the Alps is sometimes beaten down by the tempest into the narrow defiles of the mountains. Storm clouds shut in this mighty bird of the forest, their dark masses separating her from the sunny heights where she has made her home. Her efforts to escape seem fruitless. She dashes to and fro, beating the air with her strong wings, and waking the mountain echoes with her cries. At length with a note of triumph, she darts upward, and piercing the clouds, is once more in the clear sunlight, with the darkness and tempest far beneath. This is so much like us as humans. We become surrounded with difficulties, discouragements, and darkness that seem to enshroud our lives. Falsehood, calamity, and injustices hurt our very being and shut us in. There are clouds that we cannot dispel. In vain we often battle with circumstances. To the soul in despair there is but one way of escape. Though the mists and fogs cling to the earth, up beyond the clouds, God’s light is ever shining. It’s like being in an airplane that fly’s blindly until it breaks through the dark of what seems the ever endless white, yet dark clouds. Our goal, finally reached, is to be In the presence of God and rise from hopelessness to his comforting arms by our wings of faith. Sherry

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