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Prayer and Faith

It would be good for everyone to set apart time for meditation and prayer for the benefit of receiving spiritual refreshing. Too often we do not value the power and efficacy of prayer as we should. Prayer and faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish. You will seldom, be placed in the same position twice and you will continually have new scenes and new trials to pass through, where past experience cannot be a sufficient guide. Therefore it will be of benefit for you to have the continual light that comes from God. Christ is ever sending messages to those who listen for His voice. Today the very men who most need divine instruction often fail of receiving it, because they do not place themselves in communion with heaven. God wants to hear and does acknowledge every sincere prayer. The prayers that you offered in your loneliness or weariness and during trials, God answered, not always according to your expectations, but for your own good. It is so important that all might realize that without Jesus you can do nothing! Your actions have a twofold influence; they affect others as well as yourself. Your influence will either be a blessing or a curse to those with whom you associate. Beware, because your actions make habits, and habits make character. Guard your habits. Heavenly agencies are waiting for you to unite with them so when Jesus comes, you may enter the heavenly mansion awaiting you (My added thoughts with Fundamentals of Christian Education, page 194). Sherry

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