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Finding Christ Through His Word

Do you find that your life is filled living in ups and downs, or by forever reeling from what feels like a roller coaster ride? Living every day is a challenge in a world that has tried to eradicate God. For some it's more difficult than for others and there's always a multitude of reasons and circumstances that play a role. God is waiting as He watches you every moment of every day and He's always seeking to have an intimate relationship with you. Our human passions are the worst foes of the heart. You will find that only those who, through the practice of their faith in God and what He can do for you will develop a heavenly vision to be able to view the world through the lens of God's eye by reading and wanting to understand His Word. Only then will you be able to perceive God in this world and the next. From a worldly standpoint Satan's eye-opening is blindness. He will darken your mind and persuade you that an intimate experience with sin will unveil a more wondrous world. Yes, this will open your eyes, but not to happiness. It only introduces you to pain, suffering, and sorrow. And all the sorrows it brings will blind you to the grace that God can and will provide. You must remember that Satan is a liar and the father of all lies. You should never try to focus one eye on heavenly promises and the other eye on the worldly pleasures of sin. Let thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our holy Lord, who delivers and saves you again and again and again and as often as you call out to Him, (or whisper), "Lord help me!" (My thoughts along with Happy Heart by Hyveth Williams, pgs. 105-111). Sherry

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