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Being United with the Agencies of Heaven:

Take time to meditate upon Scripture while thinking soberly and candidly about the things that pertain to your eternal salvation. Think about the infinite mercy and love of Jesus and the sacrifice He made in your behalf. Dwell on the character of your Redeemer and who the Intercessor, Jesus is to you. This will call for the most serious and solemn refection on your part. How deeply you should seek to comprehend the meaning of the miraculous plan of salvation that was planned in your behalf. Think and meditate about the mission of Jesus and how he came to save every person from sin. This is the connection between earth and heaven, coming through Jesus, as was that mystic ladder that Jacob of old saw in his vision. When we get separated from God, Jesus is there to reconcile us to the all loving God in the heavens. In pitying love He places His human arm about (you) and anyone of the fallen race, and therefore He connects the finite man with the infinite God. How beautiful is the plan of salvation when we can be united with the agencies of heaven. Look up and see the glory of God shining from heaven to earth, and be grateful to the infinite God for the plan of salvation. You are blessed with many blessings, and in return you should give to God your undivided heart. God looks for the unselfish, and humbled heart He so longs to embrace with His unending love (My added version relating you to the singular with "Perils of Neglecting Salvation," Review and Herald, March 1891). Sherry

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