Worship in the Home
Did you personally worship today? It matters not the day of the week or the hour of the day, you can worship God moment by moment: God patiently waits for you to call upon Him. Worship isn’t only for being in the church sanctuary. What happens there should assist in your worship wherever you are. You can meet God in worship through your times of joy and celebrations, as well as when you experience difficult times. Sharing things with God is worship time and should be exercised frequently. As you go through various seasons of life God is always there both in the happy moments and the crisis hours. Open your heart and mind to His ever awaiting presence. To worship Him will bring peace and joy to you. You don’t worship God because of your losses, but in spite of them. You don’t praise Him for the tragedies, but in them. Even when you don’t feel His presence, God is there. Married couples report different results in their efforts to blend their personal worship time and prayer time. Having your own personal time with God is an essential. Couples can have a meaningful prayer life together, which in turn will enhance their worship time and ultimately will enhance their marriage. Prayer time will be effective when you are treating each other considerately. If your prayer time together is hindered, examine closely the way you treat one another. There may be offenses which need to be discussed, confessed, and forgiven. Prayer time does not have to be verbal. When a severe crisis strikes, you often times may feel speechless because of shock. These may be the times where you can hold each other and be silent as you count on the Holy Spirit to inwardly act in your behalf. Pray when you are separated from your spouse even more than when you are together. Any time of separation is a time for some heavy-duty praying. Talk with God about your prayer life in light of scripture. Lay aside all shyness with God and with your partner, and dare to discuss your prayer life and your love life as frankly as Scripture does. Praying is a powerful link for bonding your marriage and is a worshipful way for staying close to one another. To God be the glory for great things He has done and will do for the couples that faithfully worship Him together (My thoughts with Quiet Times for Couples, page 116, 124). Sherry