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The Conscience

The conscience is "God's crowning gift to men" and is a divinely implanted moral faculty. It is the voice of God, heard amid the conflict of human passions; when it is resisted, the Spirit of God is grieved." The conscience is not an adequate basis upon which to make decisions. It merely witnesses to life's ideal. It is then essential, that you become habitually accustomed to measuring yourself by Christ's ideals of what's right. Sin, is not the transgression of the conscience, but of the law of God, which is to become the standard by which the conscience guides you. The more clearly you perceive what God requires, the more keenly will you sense transgression against God. The more perfect the soul becomes, the more offensive sin will be to you. Be careful how you treat your conscience, for it is one of the most delicate and highly sensitive gifts with which God has endowed you. It condemns when you do wrong and approves when you do right. Like a delicate instrument it can easily be warped and made unreliable if abused. If you want your conscience to be tender and keen to perceive the right , you must live close to Jesus through prayer and meditation. If it is absolutely necessary to have your conscience set right in line with Bible truth to keep your daily thoughts heavenward, is it not also essential for you to follow its divine dictates most scrupulously (My thoughts with Life's Realities, by D.A. Ochs, pgs. 79-85)?


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