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Seek the Lord, and He Will Be Found

From the very moment God came down to walk in the Garden in the cool of the day to visit with our first parents, and found them hiding from His presence, He has been carrying on a search for lost humanity. He still calls to you and I as He did to Adam and Eve, "Where art thou?" In Eden there was a happy relationship between God and man which sin so abruptly ended. Christ has been seeking to restore that lost spiritual communion with heaven that man once enjoyed. He wants to remove every obstruction between Himself and lost humanity. He longs to establish a sweet intimacy between Himself and every individual, so we may be on the closest personal basis. Do you sometimes think that God seems to make greater efforts to save some rather than others? Haven't you known of someone who heard the voice of God, or felt they were in the presence of an angel, and you might have felt why them and not me? We must realize that there are certain conditions that limit even God. We need to know within our heart that God loves each one of us and seeks us as if there was only one on earth to love. To hear His voice we need to pray that He will reveal to us our true situation that we may know the direction He wants us to go. We need to be ready at all times to say, "Lord, here am I." (My thoughts with Preludes to Prayer, page 169). Sherry

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