Recognize Your Own Value
You recognize your own value when you perceive and treat yourself like an incredible gift from God. Everyone has immeasurable value because they are unique, divine creations. If in your mind you believe you are a priceless treasure, your life and the lives around you will be better for it. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). When you do not value yourself, your heart remains closed against your own worth, which hinders your relationship with God and others. Ask yourself these questions: Do you think of yourself as valuable? Do you like yourself? Do you accept yourself? Do you forgive yourself? How do you treat yourself? And do you speak to yourself harshly or kindly? The reason these questions are critical is that Scripture says we are to love others like we love ourselves. If you don’t even like yourself, how can you possibly love your spouse? When you consider yourself a treasure in the eyes of God, your heart will follow and so will your words and actions. Conversely, if you consider yourself as worthless, your heart, words and actions will demonstrate that fact. When you do not value your uniqueness, when you do not see yourself as God’s priceless work of art, hardness of the heart sets in. And hardening of the heart is the kiss of death to relationships. A closed heart disconnects you from a relationship with God, others and yourself. In order to take care of your heart properly, it’s critical that you get your sense of value from the Lord. His view is the most accurate, never portraying you better than you should appear, but always revealing the true beauty inside you. Give your heart a voice. Not only did God create your emotions, but He also made your heart the source of your emotions. Chip Dodd, in The Voice of the Heart wrote, “Feelings are the voice of the heart, and you will not have fullness until you are adept at hearing and experiencing all of them. When you are not aware of your feelings, your life is lived incompletely. Whenever you don’t feel, you are blocked from living life to the fullest. Wherever you lack awareness of your heart, no room exists for God.” Getting connected to God will miraculously solve your problems. Start by seeking Him through prayer even if it begins falteringly. (My thoughts with The Heart of Remarriage, pages 51-54). Sherry