It Takes Two to Change Hurtful Marriage Patterns
It does take two to change hurtful marriage patterns. Take inventory: there should be two of you.
Awareness of your problems will let you know your progress. As the patterns of withdrawal, anger, distance, or anxiety starts to melt away, it shows that you are improving the issues at hand. If the patterns are not going away, either you are addressing the wrong cause or one of you are disengaging from the process that is needed.
A LIFELINE: No one is perfect, and no marriage is perfect. With that said, there are some out there that come close, and it is wonderful to see. Some couples really do get along in just about everything. It seems that in their homes it was a God designed fit. For those that need more help you will both continue to make mistakes and will slip up in your attempts to make a great relationship.
You can go a long way towards safety, closeness, and even intimacy when you work at rooting out the problems underlying the old repeated hurtful patterns in your marriage. The Lifeline answer is to go to God for help. He sees, he knows, he cares. If you resolve those underlying issues with God’s help you will see the change and progress towards a happy and peaceful marriage (My thoughts along with Rescue Your Love Life, p. 30).