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Have Faith and Seek Wisdom

No matter how crucial it is to a life of faith, the law is not itself the source of life.....On the contrary, the law points out sin, and sin leads to death. Instead, what makes the law effective is where it comes from - and that is from God. Apart from God, the law would be a legalistic creed that has nothing to do with His original intention. A life of obedience to the law of God is related to a life with God. The law does not replace God; it is just a teacher that leads the students to their master. Seeking wisdom by obeying the law will draw us nearer to the Lord and to the salvation He freely offers us by the faith we have in Jesus. "Talk faith, live faith, cultivate love to God; evidence to the world all that Jesus is to you. Magnify His holy name. Tell of His goodness; talk of His mercy, and tell of His power." Our High Calling, page 20. Sherry

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