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Giving God Our Consent

To every man, God has assigned a place in His great plan. The souls that through faith link themselves with God's purpose shall one day abide with Him forever. Any needy soul may be supplied with grace if he will ask in simple, trusting childlike faith in God as his Father, through Jesus as his Saviour. Christ understands the needs of humanity; he understands you personally. He will not be indifferent to the soul who desires his love and his presence. He is waiting to be gracious, to impart his righteousness to you. It was for this that he came to our world. But it is only by your consent that Jesus can release you from your bondage to Satan. It is the knowledge which God's Word supplies, and which can be found nowhere else, that we need above every other if you want to know what to do to escape the snares of Satan and to win the crown of glory. What does a crown of glory look like(?)...nothing that you have ever seen or can imagine while living on this earth. To every man and to every woman seek to do your best. Christ is depending upon you to do your part in getting the work done on earth. He wants us to live with Him in heaven (My thoughts with quotes from the Sabbath School Lessons of E.G White Notes). Sherry

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