Fears in Marriages
Fear makes you a prisoner within yourself. It also makes life a chore. Fear disables and cripples relationships with others, saps your energy and interferes with the progress of your life. It causes you to feel useless along with making you feel debilitating. Fears within your marriage causes you to hold hurtful things inside when they should to be unearthed and expressed. Possibly you live in fear of your spouse, which hinders the positive progress of your marriage. Many couples live with fear in their marital relationship; the fear of trusting – it’s gone. The fear of rejection – it makes you cower. There’s fear of being embarrassed by your partner, where you are always being put down. These are just a few which cause scars of insecurities. The marriage relationship is supposed to offer the ultimate in the closeness of feeling loved, but instead is often torn apart by those fears you secretly carry in your mind and heart. It takes changes within a marriage by either one or both of you, so the problems and struggles in the life of your marriage can be resolved. It is best managed when the two of you make a conscience decision to work together to confront the causes of the fears that often surface if something triggers a wound to open again. Too often the irony is that people seem to be driven by fear instead of being drawn by hope. Many allow the fears of life to control them and dictate their responses. Because of fear it may seem a bit risky to share some of your hidden feelings with your spouse. If that be the case then you need to seek someone you can trust, someone who you know that can help you get past the fear that binds you. You need to get to a place where you have someone who will listen to your fears. There needs to be a release mechanism, or fear will keep holding you tight in its clutches. Christians are not exempt from fear. Fear even invades the lives of people of faith. The easiest way to overcome fear is to pray within your heart to God to take the fear away. He listens and He knows before you ask, what your needs are. You will know when the time seems right. It will be after God has given you courage. Pray together with your spouse (if you can) about the fears that hold you. You need to learn to move forward and onward out of the hold of fear. God is the One to give you the courage to go in the right direction. Take God at His word, “Do not be afraid, for I am with thee.” Isaiah 43:5. Sherry