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A marriage can be likened to a large house with many rooms to which a couple fall heir on their wedding day. Their hope is to use and enjoy these rooms, as we do the rooms in a comfortable home, so that they will serve in a positive way, the many activities that make up a couples shared life. But in many marriages, doors are found to be locked – they represent areas in the relationship which the couple are unable to explore together. Attempts to open these doors lead to failure and frustration. The right key cannot be found. So the couple resign themselves to living together in only a few rooms that can be opened easily, leaving the rest of the house, with all its promising possibilities, unexplored and unused. There is, however, a master key that will open every door. It is not easy to find. Or, more correctly, it has to be forged by the couple together, and this can be very difficult. The great art of effective marital communication is something that both of you must desire. Communication is a top priority for any relationship, especially marriage. Communication involves all the levels of talking, sharing, listening, and watching. These four areas take determination and an open heart and mind to explore. Some things might cause you to hurt as you learn to communicate, but if your marriage is only surviving as mediocre then why not try to make it better. Do you have locked doors in your marriage? Do you know how to have a friendly discussion with your spouse? Does your spouse make you afraid? If there are locked doors in your house, it’s a good time to forge the master key and begin the process of opening those doors so your relationship can gain trust and be at peace (My thoughts with Quiet Times for Couples, page 219). Sherry

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