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Beautifully written expressions about Jesus, penned by Ellen White:

Christ at an infinite cost, by a painful process, mysterious to angels as well as to men, assumed humanity. Hiding His divinity.....laying aside His glory, He was born as a babe in Bethlehem (in a lowly stable). In human flesh He lived the law of God, that He might condemn sin in (our) flesh, and bear witness to heavenly intelligences that the law was ordained to life. (He did it all) to ensure the happiness, peace, and eternal good of all (you and me) who obey.This is the mystery of godliness, that One equal with the Father should clothe His divinity with humanity (So thought worthy). He laid aside all the glory of His office as Commander (and Chief) in heaven.He descended step after step in the path of humiliation, enduring severe and still more severe abasement. Sinless and undefiled, He stood in the judgment hall, to be tried, to have his case investigated and pronounced upon by the very nation He had delivered (sadly done so by unthankful, ignorant and pious men). The Lord of glory was rejected and condemned, yes, spat upon. With contempt for what they regarded as His pretentious claims, men smote Him in the face....... But as a sheep before His shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth. He was giving His life for the life of the world, that all who believed in Him should not (have to) perish. And to think that angels veil their faces when they speak His name (Oh that we would feel the awe of His glory). With what reverence, should we, who are fallen and sinful, take it upon our lips (May we humbly bow before Him, confessing our wretchedness)! Oh what a Savior..... Sherry

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