I Am Pleased With You
I am pleased with you. Very important words to be heard in the marriage relationship. And all too often they are never spoken. Some may have heard them from parents, maybe from teachers and from those who have close friends. These words convey love. They convey acceptance. They counter the fear of rejection. They are healing words to sooth someone who is starving for attention and affection. To hear the phrase, "I am pleased with you not just for what you do, but for who you are," can make your partner's day so much brighter. Unfortunately words such as these are not spoken often enough between married couples; if at all in some marriages. For those of you lacking a personal relationship with God you may not notice that He speaks those words to you on a daily basis. When you are in tune with Him you will know he constantly tells you you are worthy, competent, and of value. He wants you to know you were bought with a price. He says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" (Jeremiah 1:5); I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.....I lay down my life for the sheep" (John 10:14,15). God's love for you is utterly realistic, even though at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about you, He still wants you as His friend and desires to be your friend. God loves to be pleased with you. Going to Him is where you will learn the know how in being able to express to your own partner that you are pleased with him or her. I hope you aren't hurting (if indeed you are) waiting to hear words of encouragement and acceptance. Maybe your spouse needs to hear encouraging words from you, and maybe he or she is waiting to hear that they do a good job at something they've accomplished. Surprise your spouse, take him or her off guard; smile and let them know they are valuable. What better way to cheer a heart than to say I am pleased with you. It will make for a better day. Sherry