You Can Count on Jesus
Everyone sins. Everyone needs Jesus. As you become more aware of your sin, and you become acquainted with Jesus you will long to confess...
Grace in a Marriage
Grace in the Christian faith, in a marriage cannot be earned or merited (Ephesians 2:8-9). It can neither be done on a need basis or a...
You Have a Place to Rest
Faith is not a happy flight of feeling: it is simply taking God at His word, and believing that He will fulfill His promises because He...
Give Grace Responsibly
This coming new year take the responsibility of being alert to your spouse’s need for grace. The best couples are noted for being...
The Word of God Works
Another New Year is about to begin. Therefore so should our walk with God in 2018, begin with intensity. The Bible, the most read book of...
Eternal Weight of Glory
I was pointed to the glory of heaven, to the treasure laid up for the faithful. Everything was lovely and glorious. The angels would sing...
Empty Fantasy List
This is a continuation from last week regarding false fantasies you envision and need to stay clear of. You look at your spouse’s body...
Relationship Killers
One of the biggest relationship killers around is comparing the person you love to a fantasy. The truth is, a real person can never match...
The Perfect Spouse
You are learning to live in reality with your spouse, but sometimes you’re tempted to say, “Okay, I am doing my part, now you need to get...
Moving Forward
Whether you have a slightly or seriously lopsided relationship with your spouse, you can take the necessary steps to rescue your...