Order is the law of heaven, and it should be the law of God’s people on the earth. The most precious fruit of being sanctified is through...
Peter and Jesus
Peter conversed, dined, and journeyed with Jesus for some time. He witnessed Christ’s miracles and was even willing to die with the...
Satan's Evil Power
Did you know that fallen man is Satan’s lawful captive? The mission of Jesus on this earth was to rescue man from Satan’s power. Man is...
The Holy Spirit in You
When you invite the Holy Spirit into your heart, you will be transformed into the pattern of Jesus. The Holy Spirit longs to be in you...
Our Time
Our time belongs to God. Every moment is His, and we are under the most solemn obligation to improve it to His glory. Of no talent He has...
Spiritual Nourishment
Knowing God’s Word alone will not qualify one for salvation. Paul of the Bible, who knew Timothy, one of Jesus followers, was aware and...
The Lord Knows
Some make think they know someone close to them quite well, but the fact is, only the Lord knows the hidden things in the hearts of all...
Good and Evil Never Harmonize
Between light and darkness there can be no compromise. Truth is light revealed; error is darkness. Light has no fellowship with darkness,...
Holiness is an Attribute of God
Because God is holy, we are admonished to be holy. He who is holy calls us and that we should be holy also in our thoughts and actions....
Don't Give Up
When the world is overcome with sin and evil, and when it seems like nothing more than a darkened world, your Christ-mindedness and...