Sudden Disappointments and Temptations
In (your) daily life you will meet with sudden surprises, disappointments, and temptations. (When these things weigh upon you just...
The Character of Christ
The pent-up fires of envy and malice, hatred and revenge, burst forth on Calvary against the Son of God, while all heaven gazed upon the...
Infinite Wisdom
If men could see for a moment beyond the range of finite vision, and if they could catch a glimpse of the Eternal, every mouth would be...
Helping Those in Dispair
Will those living outside Christ come to know Him? Will those living in despair, without a home, chained to the consequences of wrong...
Christ wants Every Soul Saved
Christ came to teach us, not only what we ought to know and believe, but also what we ought to do in our relations with God and with our...
The Principles of Old Restored
The Principles of Old Restored God said, “I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them.” Hebrews 10:16. ...
God can use Anyone
Nehemiah, a lowly cupbearer for King Artaxerxes of Babylon, was an unlikely choice to restore Judah and its people after years of...
Being Easily Offended
Human nature is bent on lying, stealing, hatred, jealousy, envy, faultfinding, and all other human tendencies. Because of these traits...
God or god?
God or god? Instead of seeking to make God supreme in the love and loyalty of all created beings, Satan longed to secure their devotion...
Jesus is a Privilege
The greatest scholars and the most educated, sat at Jesus feet and learned from Him. He taught as one with authority. Jesus is different...