Be Still, Know, and Learn
Stillness and quietness in many cases are rare. Many with their busy lives don’t know how to handle them. But for the sake of your...
It’s Time to Be Ready
When you took the name of Christian, you promised in this life to prepare for the higher life which is the kingdom of God. To be a...
There will be times in your marriage when you need to forgive and when you feel you need to seek forgiveness. As a married couple, you...
God Sees and Cares
God cares for and sustains everything that He has created. He upholds the unnumbered worlds throughout space on an extremely large scale....
God Walks in Every Church
God walks in the midst of all His churches throughout the length and breadth of the earth. He watches them with intense interest to see...
Good Impressions
You can tell a lot about the state of a couple’s relationship from the way they greet each other. Their expressions and countenance, as...
Love Believes the Best
In the deep and private corridors of your heart, there is a room. It’s called the Appreciation Room. It’s where your thoughts go when you...
Because love is not selfish and puts others first, it refuses to let jealousy in. It leads you to celebrate the successes of your spouse...
An Appointed Agency
The church of Christ is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of mankind. Its mission is to carry the gospel to the world. The...
Soul Saving
Do you love every person in the world even if you don’t know them? Are you aware we are here on earth to be instruments for the cause of...