Love Lets the Other Win
If you were asked to name three areas where you and your spouse disagree, you’d likely be able to do it without thinking very hard and...
Love Cherishes
Consider these two scenarios. A man’s older car begins having serious trouble, so he takes it to a mechanic. After an assessment is...
A Message for Mothers
Your compassionate Redeemer is watching you with love and sympathy, ready to hear your prayers and to render you the assistance which you...
Love Makes Good Impressions
There is something to the way you greet your spouse each day that carries surprising significance. You can tell a lot about the state of...
Love is not Jealous
Jealousy is one of the strongest drives known to man. It means “to burn with an intense fire.” There are two forms of jealousy: a...
Love Believes the Best
In the deep and private corridors of your heart, there is a room. It’s called the Appreciation Room. It’s where your thoughts go when you...
Fears in Marriages
Fear makes you a prisoner within yourself. It also makes life a chore. Fear disables and cripples relationships with others, saps your...
Changes and Risks
How are “things” in your marriage? Marriages change in many different ways over the passing years. For some couples change is slow. Then...
Wonderfully Made
Your relationship with your spouse is enhanced by a realistic understanding of yourself. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, but...
Always treat your Valentine special, even when it’s not Valentine’s Day. In all relationships, it’s guaranteed you’ll have a better...